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Date, time and numbers
Today we are accustomed, that the distance, capacity or weight is measured in decimal system. We use meter, liter, gram and their folds and fractions. When creating a family tree, we encounter in historical records, landowners and other documents, measures as palm, inch or fist. As you can see, the measures of things was human body. Even today, we can imagine ‘five inches‘ better than “13 centimeters”. Measures weren’t unified for a long time. The mile was hungarian, but also austrian. In the dicitonary, you will find detailed information about old measures, weights, number systems and dates.Diseases, causes of death
The collection of archaic medical terms, and their old and modern definitons used mostly in the territory of Hungary (today Hungary, Slovakia, part of Croatia, Romania and Poland...). Causes of death, captured church registers of deaths, but also born. Most frequently from 18th and 19th century. The dictionary contains special medical terms (XX) and names of diseases (XX) used in old documents, indexes from hospitals and death certificates.Names and relationships
It was not unusual in Hungarian territory that someone was born as Stephanus, married as István and had the first child as Štefan. Genealogic dictionary Genedict contains the most frequent forms of first names, especially in their latin, hungarian, german and slovak forms. You will also find explained and translated family ties and relationships. Through this dictionary you will easily find, who the person was, if he/she was mentioned in old records as XX, XX or XX.Old professions, patrimonial states, social statuses
Several hundreds terms from long forgotten professions, job titles and social statuses. As the world is gradually changing, the world of work does too – some professions are being invented (XX), the others are forgotten (XX). When searching for our ancestors history, it is important to know how they lived and what professions they had. It will give us valuable information about their everyday life, social status. In some cases it could help to clarify the origin of their surnames.Word of Today
Last found words
Latin: | 2588 |
Slovak: | 2587 |
Old Slovakian: | 86 |
Czech: | 907 |
English: | 913 |
German: | 1703 |
Hungarian: | 607 |
Old Hungarian: | 2101 |